No single thing effects our lives or the world we live in as mmuch as eating. Our bodies are our temples and once our temples are clean and pure, there is space for divinity, insight and virtue to reside. It is said that cleanliness is next to godliness, and we can all choose clean and fresh food that help our bodies to glow and sparkle.
When we invest in our health, the returns will filter into all aspects of our lives. Health is about looking at the food we eat and determining whether or not it is the best food on the planet. That is what we all should have and that is what is available to us if we choose it and if we are lucky enough to live in a part of the world where we have that luxury to think about health.
Refined sugar is a drug, and there is no way to get around that. It causes artificial highs, depression, mood swings and energy crashes. It was used as a recreational drug back in the sixteenth century in the royal courts of Europe. We are what we eat. We can choose fresh and colorful food and to be light, vibrant, fresh and alive, or we can choose highly processed food and be dull, gray, heavy and lifeless.
Raw foods are organic, uncooked and unprocessed vegetables, fruits, herbs, spices, sprouts, sea vagetables, nuts and seeds that haven't been exposed to high temperatures, thus maintaining their enzymatic and nutritional properties. Cooking causes major chemical changes to the food and then the food contains new and unrecognisable chemicals. Most raw foodists are vegetarian or vegan, but some eat raw fish and meat.
For more information about Raw Food, try one of these books:
- Natalia Rose, Raw Food, life force energy (Collins 2008)
- Wendy Rudell, The Raw transformation (North Atlantic Books 2006)
- Mathew Kenney & Sarma Melngailis, Raw Food, Real World (Harper Collins 2005)
- Kate Wood, Eat Smart, Eat Raw (Square One 2006)
- Rose Lee Calabro, Living in the Raw (Book Publishing Company 1998)
- Matt Amsden, Rawvolution (Harper Collins 2006)
- Stephen Arlin, Nature's first law, the raw food (Maul Brothers 1997)
- Suzanne Alex Ferrara, The Raw food primer (Council Oak Books 2003)
- Victoria Boutenko, 12 Steps to Raw foods (North Atlantic Books 2007)
- Charlie Trotter & Roxanne Klein, Raw (Ten Speed Press 2007)