December 16, 2007

Act As If

Act as if you already had everything that you ever dreamed of.

  • Be healthy and eat, honour your body and behave like a healthy person would do.

  • Be rich and give of your time, wisdom, love and money.

  • Be courageous and make that shift taking you from poverty to abundance in all areas of your life.

  • Be wise and use your time and energy only for things that matters deeply.

  • Be loving and show the care that you always longed for yourself.

  • Be joyful and look for the good in everything and everyone crossing your path.

  • Be grateful and thank every person that has made a difference in your life.

  • Be free and know that freedom is all about choosing the right thoughts, replace old behaviours with new confirming ones and making a choice to be fully alive for the rest of your life.