December 21, 2007


Simplicity is about freedom. Living simply does not mean sacrifice or hardship. It’s about owning our own lives and about getting rid of everything that doesn't align with our purpose, values and messages. It means focusing only on the things that are important in our lives.

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry once said that perfection is reached when there is nothing more to take away, not when there is nothing more to add. More stuff does not equal more happiness, and less stuff actually makes it easier to feel fulfilled. The most important things in life are not things and that which matters the least should never give way to that which matters the most.
  • Unsubscribe to everything that you can think of unsubscribing

  • Buy less stuff and give everything you don't need to someone who actually needs it

  • Do less, focus on a few activities or projects that really matter to you

  • Say No to television. Turn it off. Throw it out. Break the addiction. Television is stealing your life

  • Get rid of all excess in life and live in true abundance instead